Memories are Stories™

An arts program to nurture healing, joy and well being.
Explore and learn skills for creative expression. Remember your life experiences.
Share your story.
Join us in remembering, sharing and creating new memories.

Remember a place...make a collage of your memories of the place.

I recall my uncle's farm.  Rolling fields of vegetable plants separated by dirt roads. The variations of plantings created a patchwork of design and color. The variety of plants consisted of fruits and vegetables from strawberries on a bed of straw to young squash plants individually covered to prevent early frost. Acres of tomatoes. In the later season some patches of land would be covered in squash and pumpkin vines anchored with orange pumpkins. Tall corn plants undulating in rhythm with the wind.
Jim R.

I recall the city where I was born
and raised. A river ran through it. There was a lot of greenery.  The city surrounded me with a sense of calm and security.
Krina P.

I remember the home I grew up in. Warm, full of flowers, nature, support and love.
Jenn B-H.